So, here’s the story
So, here’s the story
You asked, what the “meeting” was about, and he/she just said, “I’ll explain everything when I’m there, oh and do you mind if my friend tags along to help? I’m really excited to show you this project I’m working on!”
You end up at the coffee shop/hotel/house and you watch this presentation done either on a power point/flip chart/ipad or even on a napkin. (yes, people use napkins)
Being somewhat confused at the whole situation because numbers/facts/figures just flew at you a mile a minute, equating to you not fully understanding what you just sat through, you kinda sit there with a puzzled look on your face.
At the end of the entire presentation your friend turns to you and says, “what do you like about what you just saw?!”
You think to yourself, “what have I gotten into…” but you answer the questions about what you can kind of remember what you liked about the presentation as not to be rude…
After you answer the questions, you friend then says, “hey do you want to join my team?!”
While they ask you this, they hand you a pen and a piece of paper asking for your credit card…
Normally this is where an awkward silence comes about… If your friend is a good salesperson, he/she knows that the next person to talk “loses.”
Now a number of things happen at this point, you either come up with every excuse in the book as to why you can’t do the business, or you are actually really excited, and the idea of selling health care products/womans make-up/home
products/dildos/cell phone plans/life insurance/alarm systems/vitamins/protein shakes was something you always dreamed of…
Regardless, you take the pen, fill out the information, shake hands, and now you’re on the team.
You have either done this to someone, or have had it done to you!
I have spent many successful years (building teams in the thousands), as well as many unsuccessful ones in the network marketing niche. I wrote this post as to take my experiential knowledge of the industry to help guide you away from the many pitfalls MLM has to offer…
I personally do not work in the network marketing niche in a conventional manner any more, but I want you to know that I have nothing wrong to say about the industry – I just chose a different path.
[check out the full story here]
I honestly would rather work smarter not harder, and build a system where people come to me, as opposed to me seeking out friends and family… But that’s another topic for another time.
As promised, here are the:
7 Horrible Mistakes You’re Making With Network Marketing
Here we go
Mistake Number 1: DO NOT GIVE UP YOUR LIFE.
If your best-friend doesn’t join your team, it doesn’t mean he/she is the enemy.
If you play soccer, continue to play soccer. If you’re a basketball player, keep going on Wednesdays with your team.
If you’re in a band, stay in your band.
Mistake Number 2: Don’t Buy The Coffee.
Because you are the one making “the big bucks” don’t feel pressured to buy coffee’s for everyone. That will add up.
Trust me, in 2011-2012 I spent over 4,000$ on coffee… Yes I wrote it off as a tax write off for “meals and entertainment” but still, that’s a little ridiculous…
I am not the only one who has done it, many of my friends have racked up bills in the thousands.
Mistake Number 3: Everyone is NOT a Prospect For Your Business.
The drive through attendant at McDonalds is not a prospect.
The person in line at Starbucks is not a prospect.
Your waitress at dinner is not a prospect.
The random person in Walmart looking for Superbowl party ingredients, is not a prospect!
Build REAL relationships with people first, then if they ask, you can show.
I remember going to big conferences for these network marketing companies, and at dinner afterwards we would be at the restaurant – and everyone would be prospecting the waitresses, bartenders, servers, hosts, managers, the lot boy and his dog…
I was in Miami once, and I started to do it, because I was prospecting my tattoo artist… Then I realized how ridiculous that is and immediately stopped.
There is a sales process that needs to be followed, and a random stranger in the line-up at Chapters isn’t the right place for it.
Mistake Number 4: Don’t Quit Your Day Job.
This is NOT how to build a business.
Do you think Walmart gives a flying hoot if I shop there or not?! The Waltons paycheck does not depend on me. Neither does the owners of Nike, Best Buy, Tim Hortons, Burger King, Adidas, FootLocker…
You need to have the attitude that you don’t need the person. If you rely solely on them signing up, you will be working with the wrong people, signing up the wrong people for wrong/selfish reasons… Not a good place to be. It’s desperation and people will sense it.
Make sure your bills are covered before you think about quitting your day job.
Mistake Number 5: Do Not Be An Alien.
If you alienate yourself, you will 1. not be doing any of the things you like doing, and 2. you will not have any friends outside of the MLM you are apart of to do them with.
I’ve seen this time and time again… It is kind of sad actually.
Mistake Number 6: Don’t Sign Up Grandma.
Mistake Number 7: Stop Calling Your Friends & Family.
Let me be the first to say, don’t do it.
Here’s why:
Reason 1: You are not going to be able to duplicate that process. Most peoples greatest fear is public speaking/making sales calls. I’ve literally seen people cry at the thought of making phone calls.
I’ve always been an out-going person, and making phone calls never bothered me, but for some people it is their greatest fear…
As good as I am, I cannot duplicate that confidence on a phone, or infront of a room.
I have also gone through extensive sales training, been the captain of sport teams my entire life, and I am also a performing artist – being in the spotlight is something I am used to…
And if you are prospecting the hostess at TGIFs, chances are she is average, and isn’t going to excel. That is why you do not want to prospect everyone, you want the RIGHT ones.
Reason 2: You are also going to run out of people to talk to…
When that list of 25 has been gone through, then who are you talking to?
Make another list, call all of them, and then what?
You walk around Walmart in a suit prospecting people? I knew someone who did that… for 3 years…
Long story short, your friends and family aren’t your business partners – they are your friends and your family.
Tell you what, pull up to your bestfriend’s place in a Ferrari next time you see him, and I’m sure he’ll want in on what you are doing…
Showing up to Starbucks in your 86′ Toyota Tercel telling him how rich you are going to be because you are pushing Vitamins, isn’t going to cut it!
I believe Network Marketing to be a great method of learning, personal growth, and if you do things correctly – a great financial vehicle.
It should not be your ONLY vehicle, simply a piece in a larger picture.
If you want to take your MLM to the next level, you are going to have to learn a few skills outside of what your upline is teaching you.
Generally speaking, your upline is normally outdated in their marketing… Old school tactics, such as flip chart presentations in coffee shops, just isn’t cutting it anymore.
In the back of people’s heads they are thinking to themselves, “aw geeze, am I going to have to be doing this…?”
What you need to do, is to learn the art of attraction marketing.
(very big difference from calling a list of 25 friends and family)
I am currently running a BETA group, working on one of the biggest online offers today. I have been taking on private clients to mentor, in order to plug them into the system which will teach them the skills to take their income goals to the next level, as well learn how to multiple their money using the power of compounding interest!
– No Phone.
– No List of 25 Names
– No Lost Friends.
If that sounds like something you’d like for yourself, click right here to check out what it is I am doing. I really hope you gained some value out of these Mistakes I have seen/made myself.
I wish you all the best, and I look forward to seeing you on the beaches of the world.
Take it and run with it…