5 Must Have Books Every Marketer Would Be Crazy Not To Own

The Author: Cameron
These books have played an extremely influential role in the development of not only my businesses, but me as a person. Serious knowledge here...
Post Author: Cameron
Cameron Barke Marketing

The Author: Cameron

My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; to do so with some passion, compassion, humor and style. My goal is to light a fire under enough people to free them from the ‘limited potential’ constraints that have been set up in their own minds; a paradigm shift from scarcity and lack, towards love and abundance.

Prepare for knowledge to be thrown at you

Prepare for knowledge to be thrown at you

I was privileged enough to be involved with business early in life.
My dad was an architect, owned his own company/design firm, and he was also a rock star network marketer.

He would go on vacations 4 times a year from the company he was with, and I never could understand why or how he got on all these trips.

Needless to say, I started relatively early in my career at 21 years old. Because I started so early, I learned countless lessons which I am so very thankful for learning at such a young age… These shaped me.

I am going to share one of the most important ones with you right now, and it is this:

The books you read.

The people you hang around.

The audios you listen to.

Highly determine where you end up in life.

This post is dedicated to “the books you read” part of those lessons.

Below I have compiled a list of 5 must have books every marketer would be crazy not to own.

These books have played an extremely influential role in the development of not only my businesses, but me as a person.

They are a sole reason why I will be able to reach to where I am going to reach, as well responsible for all of the success I have seen thus far.

Here you go!

Book #1: Think & Grow Rich

Book #1: Think & Grow Rich

Napoleon Hill

This book to me is a CLASSIC, and as far as I am concerned, if you do not have this in your library you aren’t serious about creating wealth.

Many consider this book to be the bible of wealth creation.

If you want to get yourself in a success conscious state of mind, you are wanting to pick up this staple.

The Author studied over 500 of the richest men on the planet during the turn of the century, and compiled a list of what made them wealthy!

Pick up a copy!

Book #2: The 4 Hour Work Week.

Tim Ferris

Book #2: The 4 Hour Work Week.

This book is also a staple for people who are looking to change some paradigms.

With this classic, we are all about leverage!

Once you pour through this book, you will forever understand why you hate your job.

One of the greatest ‘take aways’ you will receive from this book is the art of outsourcing – a staple in the way of becoming a marketer / business person in this world.

There are only 24 hours in a day, you cannot do everything at once.

Book #3: Mind Control Language Patterns.

Dantalion Jones

Book #3: Mind Control Language Patterns.

Once you realize how the mind works, you can sell anything.

Do not use these principles for bad, only for good, it is an extremely powerful book.

NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming – it is essentially how words, and certain sentences affect the brain of the person you are using it on – an extremely powerful tool in the field of marketing!

Book #4: How To Win Friends And Influence People.

Book #4: How To Win Friends And Influence People.

Dale Carnegie

This book alone, yet another classic, is responsible for all of my success online and traditional.

Probably a book that we ALL need to read atleast once a month. Every-time I pick it up again, it gives me a reality check that I desperately need.

This read is not so much focused on marketing, but moreso the basis of how to deal with people, which is what marketing boils down to.

Schools should be teaching this, as opposed to what they are teaching these days, in my humble opinion.

Book #5: Convert

Frank Kern

Book #5: Convert

I saved this as the best for last for a reason….

All I am going to say here is

“President of the Internet” and leave it at that.

Give it a read, and you will understand why I said that.

This, when marketing is concerned online, is the one you need to pay most attention to.

Pick up a copy, hopefully he’s still selling them…


Here we are!

You are now equipped with 5 of the most powerful books for starting up business online for yourself.

The mind changes, paradigm shifts, and tangible information you now have at your fingertips is absolutely astounding!

“Readers are leaders, earners are learners.”

Have a great day, my friends.

Take it and run with it…

Cameron Barke Marketing

The Author: Cameron

My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; to do so with some passion, compassion, humor and style. My goal is to light a fire under enough people to free them from the ‘limited potential’ constraints that have been set up in their own minds; a paradigm shift from scarcity and lack, towards love and abundance.

Join Forces

I truly believe that if you work hard, dedicate yourself with all of your heart, passion, desire, and being; you can accomplish anything that you want.

The road may not be easy, but in my heart of hearts, I feel it is worth it.

Cameron Barke Marketing Logo

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Join Forces

I truly believe that if you work hard, dedicate yourself with all of your heart, passion, desire, and being; you can accomplish anything that you want.

The road may not be easy, but in my heart of hearts, I feel it is worth it.

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