A Successful Person is a Dreamer Who Believed in Themselves
A Successful Person is a Dreamer Who Believed in Themselves
It is said that whatever the mind if man can CONCEIVE, and bring himself to BELIEVE, he can ACHIEVE. It has been stated by some of the greatest thinkers who ever lived that, we are creatures of habit.
Aristotle being one of them stated, “we are what we repeatedly do. Therefore excellence, then, is not an act, it is a habit.”
Below I have complied a list of the 10 Habits of Successful Dreamers in our world out there.
Every business, every form of artwork, every building, every car, every piece of technology, came in the form of an idea from a dreamer. If you are a dreamer, or dare to dream, this list will either open your eyes to creating new habits – or it will already solidify what we already knew.
Every now and then us dreamers need a confirmation that we are headed in the right direction; even though it may feel we are swimming upstream against the current, and against everyone else. Trust me, that’s the right direction to be headed!
1. Life is a Game
Most people play “the game of life” not to lose, while these dreamers play the game of life to WIN. When you first view life as a game, it takes away many pressures/limitations & fears most of us have.
Viewing life as a game, especially one where you are playing to win, it opens the doorway to being creative thinking, problem solving, and a confidence that allows them to reach the next level.
2. Challenges are Opportunities.
There are two ways to look at problems/challenges – first, you can see them as roadblocks stopping you from advancing, or you can see them as building blocks to help you grow.
ie: Getting a flat tire on the side of the road: you can see it as a setback, or you can see it as an opportunity to LEARN how to change a tire. Also, if you live by the mantra “everything happens for my best interest,” (which most dreamers do), you will then realize the flat tire on the side of the road was both a building block to growth, and another step to land you one step closer to your dreams.
3. There Is No Other Option.
Dreamers develop the habit of persistence.
This persistence comes in many forms, one being the persistence to never stop until they achieve which that they desire. There is no plan B, because it distracts from plan A.
There is no, “oh alright, if this doesn’t work I guess I’m getting a labour job at the construction company…”
4. They Are Comfortable Being Uncomfortable.
It has been said that everything you want in life, is outside of your comfort zone. In order to get outside of your comfort zone, you are going to have do be doing things that make you uncomfortable. In order to do things that make you uncomfortable, you are going to have to grow.
If you are not growing, you are dying. If you are comfortable, you are not growing…
Donald Trump said that when you get butterflies in your stomach from doing something, that’s you growing. Follow that feeling.
5. They Have Mentors.
Mentorship is one of the largest factors in a dreamers arsenal of tools.
We become who we associate with most often, and dreamers tend to associate closely with those who have what they want. They learn and grow from the association of their mentors.
6. Make Their Own Rules.
Dreamers tend to beat to their own drum. They do not really follow the rules everyone else has placed upon themselves
7. They Have Vision.
Proverbs 29:18 – “Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.”
Whether you believe in the bible or not, the law remains the same. Without a vision, you will perish….
Dreamers have an uncanny ability to hold a mental image of what they want to achieve, and do not stop until it is complete.
8. It’s The Journey, Not Only The Destination.
Successful dreamers take as much joy as the road to their goals, as they do in reaching them. They realize the process is as just as important as the product.
They realize that happiness comes from within, and know that outside forces do not sway who they are in the core.
Therefore, even if they are frolicking in their wildest dreams, that’s notwhat is making them happy – that happiness is within.
9. They Are Propelled By Courage.
It takes a lot of gumption to go out there and tell the world what you are going to do. It takes even more gumption to go out there and actually DO IT.
Dreamers are propelled forward by their inner courage, rather than crippled by fear from the outside. Healthy dreamers possess resilience that allows them to keep moving forward – even when times may get difficult. That takes courage.
It’s easy to be a loser, it takes no special effort being at the bottom – it does take courage to muster up all within you and go out to pursue your dreams.
10. Ready, Set, Action.
Successful Dreamers are action oriented. It is one thing to sit in your room dreaming about millions of dollars, traveling the world, playing a big stage, being on TV, etc…
It is a completely different ball game to actually go out there and do it. Successful dreamers act on their dreams and aspirations. Once an idea hits their head, they act on it before it dies.
That key trait is the large difference between those who achieve their dreams, and those who fall to the wayside. Action.
If you develop these 10 Habits of Successful Dreamers, you will be well on your way to realizing all that is out for you to achieve. Don’t stop dreaming, and remember “let no one influence you to scorn the dreamer.”
Our world is in dire needs for new leadership, and leadership requires dreams.
Take it and run with it…