Five Tips to Increasing Productivity on Social Media
Five Tips to Increasing Productivity on Social Media
We’ve all been there.
We’ve sat on Facebook and scrolled through our newsfeed for 6 hours at a time, and then looked at the clock wondering what we just did with half our day.
We are only blessed with 24 of these hours a day, and what we do with them will highly dictate how successful we are in our endeavors.
Social Media has taken the world over by storm, and is STILL growing. I think if Facebook could own the planet, they WOULD!
There are an estimated 300+ social media outlets to chose from, and it is extremely easy to get lost in the black time sucking hole of being unproductive on these platforms.
(raise your hand if you’ve got lost in YouTube before when you were supposed to be sleeping)
I searched my personal favorite blogs, as well as the web, and a few physical books to come up with this top ten list of ways to be more productive on social media.
1. Set Boundaries
This may actually be the most important, hence why I am placing it at the top of the list.
We are only blessed with 24 hours in a day. Don’t spend them with your nose shoved into your mobile device, live life in the NOW.
There is a time and place for social media, set boundaries on yourself, trust me it will increase productivity. Time is never wasted, when it is scheduled.
Hootsuite is a great resource to use to create such a schedule.
2. Post Useful Content
I know this may seem self explanatory, but I scroll through my personal feeds sometimes – and I see an exuberant amount of USELESS information being posted to me.
Generally, those people will be deleted my from circle if it happens too much.
Consumers these days are inundated with such nonsense 24/7, a great way to stick out from the pack is posting value, as opposed to the hogwash they are used to seeing.
3. Post On Purpose
When you are creating content to post to social media, ask yourself this question before you throw it to the masses, “what is my purpose of this post?”
Asking yourself this question alone, will change your business in an upward direction that will not only save you time by weeding out not as useful content, it will also help you create value.
4. Be Unconventional
I know this may sound kind of weird, but be lazy. Connecting one-on-one is cool and all, but it is impossible to scale – instead be lazy and have people/customers come to you!
Put yourself in the way of communities/your audience/your niche, instead of working so hard to going out to each one individually.
5. Do Not Be On ALL Social Networks
Social networking is not free, it has what we all an opportunity cost attached to it – in this case, it is time.
Focus your efforts on only a few social media outlets, with that of a laser – rather than spreading your efforts vaguely over many outlets
Remember, social media is not your be all end all, it is simply a means to your core product, your brands DNA, the nucleus if you must, is what the focus should be on.
Social media, is secondary, and both humans and businesses are starting to forget that. If you use these creative strategies to your benefit, you will reap the benefits of a properly structured social media marketing campaign!
Take it and run with it.