Everything Has Definitely Not Been Sunshine & Rainbows, and There Have Been Many Times I Wanted To Completely Call It Quits On Everything…

I Hope That Reading This Page Brings You Hope, Clarity, and Stirs That Fire Within You To Become The Best Version of Yourself!

Sit Back & Enjoy The Read.

– Cam


The beginning, before the beginning.

I am going to be extremely open, candid, and transparent throughout the entire telling of this journey I’ve been on.

I may swear, I might not be the most politically correct, but I will be staying true to myself.

The purpose of sharing my story, right here and right now, is so that maybe one person out there is able to relate to me in my journey of entrepreneurship and internet marketing.

I also figure that if you are going to be working with me, you would want to know exactly who I am, what I am about, where I’ve been, and where I am going. Buckle up!

Yours Truly;


Cameron Barke


The  early, early years


The  early, early years

I was always that ‘different’ kid in school…

I was always that different kid in school…

I know, I know, that is how every story starts… The “Different” kid in school, *yaawwwwn*, I know. The only reason I say that is because I am going to be taking this story back pretty far, all the way to grade school – where the journey began.

(there is a reason why I will be going back this far, because I truly feel that this experience is what molded EVERYTHING to come)

I wasn’t necessarily different, but I FELT different.

Let’s begin…

Ever since grade 3, I was well aware that the world was my oyster, as weird as that sounds. It was also an ideology that landed me into the principals office on more than one occasion. I cannot really pinpoint where this thought came from, I just knew that I was meant for something bigger… Now this isn’t an ego stroke or anything, I just knew that we can create anything that we want in our world.

I remember looking around, and just having this knowing that we can be, do, and have anything we set our minds to

(I will come back to this thought later – as it is the basis for all I do)

I always wanted to be different, so I did the exact opposite of every other kid – once again, this landed me in the principals office more times than I can count. I never really caused any “real trouble,” I just disrupted the status quo and questioned authority whenever possible.

I also brought beer to school, set off fire extinguishers in computer rooms, put gum in girls hair, got kids to stick their tongues to frozen poles in the winter, you know the usual…

(doing this in a Private Christian school I’m sure caused my folks many ‘parent-teacher’ meetings after office hours at my expense)

We lived in a completely different city that my school was in, so there was a 45 minute drive, everyday, to and from school.

I have an older sister who, at 16 years old, bought her first car and started driving herself, which then left only my dad and myself for those car rides.

this was the defining moment in my life!

I distinctively remember my dad telling me that you can create a University on Wheels…

I did not know what he meant by that, so I obviously asked, “dad what is a university on wheels?”

He explained to me, “son, there are such things as audio books / courses / programs, which you can listen to while you drive – essentially learning on the go and using that time constructively.”

We did not listen to the radio, (chewing gum for the ears), occasionally we would listen to music, but most importantly we listened to the entire
Rich Dad Poor Dad series in every entirety possible.

For 4 years, from 13 to my first car at 17 and driving myself, we listened to audio-books and courses every morning on the drive to school.

We listened to sales courses, stock market experts, finance gurus, and everything under the sun business. I learned more on the drive to school, than I did AT school. Naturally, my grades took a nose-dive. I would wake up in the morning, excited to learn for those 45 minutes, to play on the basketball team, see my friends, and workout. All I wanted to do, was activities that made me happy, ones I was interested in, and I knew would advance me as a person.



Anyone stuck in the rat-race of living paycheck to paycheck, enslaved by the house mortgage and bills, will appreciate this breath of fresh air. Learn about the methods that have created more than a few millionaires.


“Freedom is about knowing who you are, believing in yourself, and applying both those things to the American free enterprise system so you can achieve millionaire status.” – Stedman Graham


“Zig Ziglar epitomizes determination, perseverance, excellence, and a loving Christian spirit more than anyone else I know. The world would be a better place if more of us were just like him.” – Kenneth Cooper.

it is one thing to want more, but an entirely different story to be worth more!

I felt the traditional schooling was not adding to my ‘worth.’

it is one thing to want more, but an entirely different story to be worth more!


I felt the traditional schooling was not adding to my ‘worth.’

To be honest, I felt school was a giant waste of time, and I did not take it seriously in the slightest…

(this once again landing my parents in these after hour ‘parent-teacher’ meetings regarding my work ethic etc etc…)

I attribute pretty much everything that I have now, to those drives with my dad. Without those hours of inundation of positive affirmations, business knowledge, personal growth, and outside the box thinking – I would not be where I am today.

Those audios and subsequent talks with my dad, put me on the path less traveled, and for all intensive purposes, it is a pretty good place to be…


Welcome to the real world, Cameron.


Welcome to the real world, Cameron.

It was fun while it lasted…

It was fun while it lasted…

So I somehow bumbled myself through highschool, and graduated with 101 credits – the minimum is 100.

I also had to retake math, 3 times, and still squeaked by with only a 48%

(How they let me into college with that grade, still has me baffled)

Anyway, school was lots of fun, you know they say that highschool is the best time of your life? They aren’t wrong in some aspects. The complete lack of responsibility is / was great. Seeing my friends everyday is awesome, and playing on sports teams with the fellas is something you cannot go wrong doing – we also won many trophies together, so that doesn’t hurt.

After graduating, it was essentially time for the “real world.”

I wanted to go to college, but I only wanted to go so I could play basketball at the next level…

I do not know about you, but I had to pay my own way through school at the post-secondary level – and I am glad that I did, with 0 student loans.

My dad could have easily paid my tuition, but I feel having to work a ‘real job’ to pay for school taught me a few lessons:

1. It taught me the value of a dollar.

2. I learned work ethic at the professional level.

3. I gained experience in doing things that I knew I DID NOT want to be doing.

4. I found real life useful skills. (like how to properly fold towels).

One of the jobs I had applied for and got, was working in a warehouse on an assembly line. Fun right? No. It was a no fun zone, if you came in there with any fun, you left it at the door and your soul died along the way… Not really, but that’s how it felt. But, the job taught me an extremely valuable lesson.

Want to know what it was?

Okay cool, I’ll tell you.

Everyday I went to work, punched the clock at 8:00am and punched out for 4:30pm, but every now and then I had a few moments to peak my head up from my workbench and look around. While doing so, with my grease covered face, blistered hands and beat up feet, I realized something… I begin to notice that everyone who worked alongside with me, hated their lives.

I could tell by the dead look on everyone’s face. These folks were in their 40’s, 50’s, and 60s, working a job they did not want to be doing, at ages they should not be doing them at. It scared me that this is reality.

I distinctly remember saying to myself over and over and over, “Cameron this is not going to be you, Cameron this is not going to be you, Cameron this is not going to be you…”

The lesson I learned from these people was this:

If you do not plan for your future, you will end up doing something you do not enjoy doing, at an age you do not want to be doing it at.

There was nothing wrong with these people, they were just, as we say, ‘in a rut.’ I would talk to them about anything BUT work, as we were working, and while I did this their eyes would brighten up!

When I saw them truly coming alive as we spoke, I knew that living the way they lived was not for me. But, I first had to experience living / working a job I did not want to be doing, in order to truly know that was not the lifestyle I wanted for myself.

You can read about things in books all day long, but truly living / experiencing something creates a total different level of understanding.

I worked a few other jobs during this year off of school. I worked in a gym where I learned that the girls locker room is actually dirtier than the boys… This is also where I learned how to fold towels, which actually came in mighty handy later in life when I opened my own hotel.

I worked construction as unskilled labour, essentially the muscle / garbage man / ‘go get me my coffee guy,’ guy – half the time they did not even know my name, I was either called ‘hey guy’, or they called me ‘bitch.’ – they did this behind my back. Which started a few heated arguments, and I genuinely started hating what ‘reality’ was, and could not wait to go back to school.

(even though I did not like that either, but it was better than being a dirty construction workers errand boy, or picking the hair out of the clogged drain at the gym)

The year off school had come to a close, I was 19 years old and had saved enough money to pay for my first year of college, so I applied to business school in September…

Here are a couple pictures of me at my graduation with some of my best friends! 

the college dropout

Entrepreneur at 21

the college dropout

Entrepreneur at 21

This is going to be the part of the story where the majority of you will be able to relate to.

If you are here, on this website right now, still reading, haven’t shut it down or checked your Facebook, it is because there is a connection between you and I. That connection can be made from many things;

• Our desires to want, be, do and have more.

• Our passion for living life to our truest potential, and our constant longing for self-improvement / thirst for knowledge.

• We may be connected because you have a loving heart and want the ability to help others around you, just as myself.

• You may feel that there is something MORE for you in this world and that you don’t quite fit in to the norms society places upon you.

Or, your friend duped you into seeing a Network Marketing pitch at a coffee shop, you turned down multiple 6 figure employment opportunities, and you dropped out of college because of it…

Here are a few pictures of the guy who did this to me, and let me preface I am extremely grateful for this individual in my life today, as we have grown to become the best of friends through many ‘trying’ experiences together – I just want you to be able to put a face to the name of the guy who ruined my life, Korbin.

(he actually didn’t ruin my life)

network marketing 101

Alright, so for those of you who are not familiar with what network marketing is, I will run you through a brief description of what goes on in this industry.

(at this part of the story I am in my early 20’s and 2.5 years into my Finance Degree – just as a little FYI as a reference point for a time frame)

Let me start by saying this is an unbias review of the niche, and I am merely going on my own experiences – but I feel that if you have been involved in the industry, you will be able to fully relate to what I have personally gone through.

So for the uninitiated, network marketing is essentially when a company leverages people as a means of distributing their product / service, employing them as ‘independent representatives’ of the brand, paying them on a commission or volume basis – normally these companies have ‘tiers / legs / stacks etc..’ whereas by when you recruit another person to sell the product of the corporation, you also receive a commission for what he or she sold.

ie: Sally became an independent representative of XYZ company that sells cookware. She then recruits her friend Stacy to sell cookware as well. Stacy sells a pot set to her friend Tori, because Tori needs new pots and pans – Stacy would take a percentage of the sale, AS WELL AS Sally – the money trickles up.

Every compensation plan is different, but the majority of these companies operate under the same umbrella / mantra, and that is:

To create financial freedom in 5 years or less.

Some of you may call this a pyramid scheme, for lack of a better term.

Now here’s where people get a little confused –  a Pyramid Scheme, by definition, is the movement of money without product or services. There are many legitimate Network Marketing companies out there, that have garnered a bad reputation because of how many ILLEGITIMATE network marketing companies pop up every year.

(essentially anyone can start a pyramid scheme, and scam people out of money; robbing Peter to pay Paul we call it)

Here are a few of the companies which you may buy products from, that you may not even be aware are Network Marketing companies:

  • Mary Kay
  • Arbonne
  • Tupperware
  • Pampered Chef
  • Amway
  • World Financial Group
  • Fantasia Home Parties
  • Melaluca
  • Usana
  • Herbalife

These are some of the biggest companies on the planet, in a plethora of niches. I named everything from financial products, to organic cleaning supplies, to vitamins, cookware, protein powders, and sex toys – I did this all off the top of my head.

In the aggregate, these companies generate 10s of billions of dollars revenue annually, and have been around for over 150+ years collectively.

Well, I got sold on the financial freedom dream – this thinking aligned with my beliefs, the ones I had fostered at such a young age.

The ones where I was in college thinking to myself in the middle of a lecture…

 “This professor makes 60k a year, and is teaching me how to become wealthy – how the fck does that make sense?”

Let me just state that there is nothing wrong in making 60k a year, and nothing wrong with being a college professor, but things just did not add up…

These thoughts also coincided with the books / audio series and seminars I had learned from in my earlier years driving to school with my dad etc.

Every one of the books you will read on finance / personal growth will eventually take you back to the concept of passive income. This was an ideology in which I was familiar with, so when the presenter at the front of the room was selling me the dream, he was speaking my lingo. Little did I know the amount of bullshit I was going to go through…

(if you didn’t know, when someone wants you to become a ‘rep’ of a company, they will either set you up at a presentation of the business opportunity at a hotel conference room, a coffee shop, or a gathering at their house – but they won’t tell you what you’re seeing, its almost an ambush)

Before I signed up as an independent rep. I had attended pretty much every presentation possible; coffee shops, hotel meetings, conference rooms, Korbins basement…

I’m not the kind of person who does anything half assed, so I knew that if I were signing up to this “thing,” I was going to drop out of college because of it… So it actually took me a few weeks of heavy thinking to finally make my decision.

What happened next?

Well I did what I was trained to do, and what millions of others on the planet do – I became “that guy.”

Let me explain…

What you are first taught to do in a traditional Network Marketing setting, step 1; create a list of 30 names of the people closest to you which you would want to have join your team.

*side note* 9/10 they do not even teach you to sell the product, the main focus is to just build the team – most of the $ generated generally comes from signing people up underneath you. The sign of a strong Network Marketing company is a good balance in profits between product sales and upfront bonuses of signing new reps up.

So when I say I became “that guy” what I really mean is, you were on my list – I was calling you, alot. I wouldn’t stop until we went to Starbucks together, and showed you my ‘great idea.’

You were signing up, or we weren’t friends anymore.

This is the ideology that a lot of these companies take, it’s almost a cult like atmosphere. Looking back in hindsight with clear vision and a new level of maturity, it was a really messed up situation. (some of you may relate to this)

I know this may sound really wild, and extremely random, but during this time I actually made the NFL… 

Ya, you read that right, the f*cking N.F.L.

The No. Friend. League – if you’ve ever been a traditional Network Marketer, we probably either played on the same team or against eachother… you know, ’cause MY opportunity is BETTER than yours!

Being in the NFL taught me alot, it taught me everything NOT to do when building a business – I am glad I experienced what I had experienced,

(I’ll explain why later)

So back to the story of what happens when you sign up for a Network Marketing opportunity…

You will call those 30 people on your list, and when you cross off the 30th name, you are then taught to come up with another 30 names….

(keep in mind you are not allowed to explain anything over the phone when you’re talking to these people)

And what you are doing while you are on these calls, is TRYING to get them to a presentation, so you can get them selling underneath you.

So, once I pissed off all the closest people to me in my life, I dug deep to piss off another 30, and then another 30 more, and yet another 30 more, until I found myself calling people I hadn’t spoken to since elementary school, asking them to meet me at Second Cup.

“I can’t tell you what it is, just meet me at the coffee shop downtown.”

I am sure some of you have said that direct quote before! 

You’re really only taught two things:

1. Book a block of time to get them infront of you and a presenter.

2. Do not sell over the phone.

That’s Network Marketing 101 – show the plan, show the plan, show the plan.

Some will. Some won’t. So what – get it infront of as many people possible, by any means necessary.

I did just that, and got really good at it – so good infact I became one of the top 5% in the industry, which really isn’t that hard,

You simply have to master 3 principles:

Piss off your friends

Do not stop calling them, and keep calling until they sign up. If they do not sign up, they aren’t your real friends anyway.

attend seminars

Weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, and annual seminars are a must. Bring your team, and pay for them to be there.

go to coffee shops

Every dollar that you earn, you must reinvest into your business – the 6 meetings a day at Second Cup are out of your pocket.
(I can’t believe I’m giving away all of my secrets)

You know what, I am actually feeling extremely generous, and will give you my biggest secret to date.

Ready for it?

So I ran out of people to talk to, this is a thing and it happens. If you’re with a company right now, they will tell you it doesn’t happen, no it does. You exhaust your list, and the NFL is a lonely place…

So what did I do to combat this – get ready because this is the major key secret to success.

I dressed up in a suit and would walk around coffee shops / malls looking for opportunities to accidentally bump into people, and get them infront of a presentation.


I dropped out of college to do this… I really did.

What a situation I got myself in. But in all honesty I am very thankful that I jumped in 2 feet first, because it taught me how to sink or swim. It also gave me extremely valuable sales skills, it broke any fear of speaking to strangers, I learned how to properly ask for the close, and public speaking was a task I began to enjoy doing.

But what happened next, I never thought would be a reality to me.

Keep reading…

huge curve ball

And I’m not talking Roger Clemens

Huge curveball

And I’m not talking Roger Clemens

my dad died…

my dad died…

If I were to call what happened a shitty situation, that would be a massive understatement!

It was October 27 2011, and from what I can remember, I’d say 3:30am.

I will not be going into extensive detail as to what happened, but I will give you the birdseye view of what went down that night.

My dad’s favorite TV show was one called “Dragons Den.” It’s a Canadian version of “Shark Tank,” essentially entrepreneurs pitch rich business moguls (The Dragons) their ideas on live Television in the hopes of some partnership together. If we were both home during the time it was on, we would make it a routine to watch it together, and enjoy eachothers company. 

On this evening, for some odd reason, I did not go downstairs to watch it with him when he asked, I instead went to bed.

Well, what I was awoken to a few hours later was pretty disturbing, and I still have trouble sleeping some nights because of it.



That was my mom screaming, at the top of her lungs, to the point where I thought someone was murdering her.

There was all this banging, yelling, screaming, crying, and terror echoing throughout the house, that I immediately sprung out of bed on adrenaline to see what was going on. In my heart I felt that someone was murdering my mom, with how she was yelling and banging on the walls, I thought I was in for a fight.

I literally jumped down an entire flight of stairs, raced around the corner, only to find my dad had died on the couch while watching TV.

Mom kept yelling, “he’s not waking up!”

In my head I was thinking to myself, ‘well you’re damn well loud enough, maybe he’s just in a really deep sleep – wake him up!’

I then sat beside my dad to try and wake him up, and then it sunk in right there he was no longer with us.

We used to play this game when I was a child that he would pretend he’s sleeping, and I was supposed to wake him. He was REALLY good at pretending to be asleep, and the only way to wake him up was to open his eyes with my fingers.

Well, when I did that to him on that couch, what was looking back at me was something I’ll never forget, and that something was nothing.

I debated giving him CPR in the hopes of maybe it might wake him up, I then realized the time, and when I looked closely at his lips they were blue and his face was white as a piece of paper.

I then held his cold, dead hand, and said Goodbye – that was the last time I saw my dad.

I then held his cold, dead hand, and said Goodbye. That was the last time I saw my dad.

The reason I share this part of the story, is because this was one of the major turning points in my life. You know that we all have those times that we can recall and remember that really mold us, this was mine.

This is also where the “Rock Bottom” part of the story kicks in, and where life got real, real fast.

rock bottom

And I’m not talking Dwayne Johnson

rock bottom

And I’m not talking Dwayne Johnson

welcome to the real world, cameron.

I am not going to invest too much of my time telling you about this part of the story, as thinking back on it actually does upset me. It brings back many unwanted memories / pains / trials and experiences, and for all intensive purpose I would like to forget them.

I will tell you this though, when your dad randomly dies in the middle of the night, the food in the fridge will also stop appearing.

I guess you could say that I had to grow up quick in order to provide.

At this same time, the passing of my father, the Network Marketing company I was with was crumbling! All of the hard-work, and numerous hours of meetings / seminars / house parties / training’s / courses etc all were falling apart infront of my eyes.

Also, I pissed off all of my friends for no reason, and to add insult to injury the naysayers who told me “THAT’S A PYRAMID SCHEME,” were right! Ouch.

Remember the section of this story called ‘Network Marketing 101’ and how I explained a pyramid scheme is the movement of money without product or services…

Well, the government felt that the company I was an independent representative of, was doing just that, and eventually shut the whole thing down…

It was shaky before any investigations, as the corporate owner had died of cancer, and there was much uncertainty. The government intervention was just the icing on the cake to complete shut-down.

Now here I am, 22 years old, my dad just died, the company I invested the last 3 years of my life into is shutdown, oh and my girlfriend at the time left me… no joke. Honestly, when she left me, it was almost as painful as the death of my dad. She was the first one I called when I found out; my bestfriend and someone very close to me.

If I had a dog, i’d imagine it would have died at this time as well

At this point, I should probably write a country song…

Time for me to get a job, something I’ve despised since the years of working in a factory / construction / gym cleaner.

Here’s how a 22 year old Cameron entered the workforce for the second time.

I remember driving with 3 friends, headed out to a buddies place to chill for an evening, when I got a phone call out of blue:

“Cameron, I know this is kind of random, but do you need a job?”

I replied, “yes, I really do”

“Alright, you start in an hour, see you on the corner of Jasper Avenue and 100 street.”

I just reread that back to myself, and it sounds like I became a drug dealer. Actually, I became a bouncer at one of the most hardcore nightclubs in the city. The reason it was hardcore, was because some serious individuals vacated the spot often – this was a wild job…

My first night on shift I witnessed 2 people get bottled, and 3 separate fights – let’s just say I had to toughen up quickly, as well, I was opened up to a whole new world of drugs, sex, alcohol, gangs, and all sorts of crazy behaviour.

I could write an entire book as my years of being a bouncer, yes I said years… Even as I write this, many insane memories are coming to mind. I won’t dive into the specifics of being a bouncer, but I will share a valuable lesson I learned from that job which is something that will stick with me for the rest of my life.

Numerous nights I had my life threatened, I got into many possible life threatening altercations, I was surrounded by known gangsters, (real gang members, not the ones pretending because they think the lifestyle is cool), dealt with the police often, got called all sorts of names, and generally was in some pretty trying situations…

But one of the biggest takeaways / positive lessons from the whole experience was this: 

Pay no attention to toxic words. What people say is often a reflection of themselves, and not you

Pay no attention to toxic words. What people say is often a reflection of themselves, and not you

The reason that is the most valuable lesson from that whole experience, is because many times people called me terrible names for not letting them in the club. 

And I soon realized, that these angry people just needed an outlet to express to someone how they really feel about themselves.

So the next time someone has something bad to say about me, I just know its really how they feel on the inside.

Here are a couple photos of the better times of being a bouncer.

I was able to meet some pretty cool people, any club I went to in the city I never had to wait in a line, and everyone knew me. It had its perks for sure. This job allowed me to become extremely connected, both in the city and internationally.

The reason I call this section of my story “Rock Bottom,” is because I had hit a time where circumstances almost broke me.

The recent passing of my dad, my mom being in the terrible condition she was in after losing her husband, my MLM company getting shutdown, and then subsequently working in an environment that was definitely not conducive to happiness, all contributed to the ‘rock bottom’ feeling.

There was much on my plate all at once. I kept a positive outlook, and continued to push forward, but this was not easy.

There were 2 unforgettable times during this era where the weight of everything got very heavy on me, and I was faced with the decision to crack or to remain strong, my ‘rock bottom’ moments that I will share with you below:

• First Memory •

I went through a stint where I actually was sleeping in my Jeep. It was definitely cold in the winter time. I wasn’t destitute, and I knew I would always make it, but this was a tough pill to swallow…

The Jeep that I was sleeping in, randomly broke down on me for some odd reason, which I still haven’t figured out til this day why. It just would not turn on… Anyway, my friend Gary was kind enough to allow me to sleep on the couch in his basement during this time. The ‘rock bottom’ feeling I had, regardless of sleeping in my Jeep which was pretty shitty, was when the mechanic told me he had fixed my Jeep, but I did not have enough money to afford to pay him…

I felt awful. My heart sank, and this feeling nearly was the straw that broke the camels back. Fortunately, over the coming weeks, I was able to save enough money to get my Jeep out of the shop, and back on the road.

I am extremely thankful for my friend Gary in his assistance during this time!

• First Memory •


I went through a stint where I actually was sleeping in my Jeep. It was definitely cold in the winter time. I wasn’t destitute, and I knew I would always make it, but this was a tough pill to swallow…

The Jeep that I was sleeping in, randomly broke down on me for some odd reason, which I still haven’t figured out til this day why. It just would not turn on… Anyway, my friend Gary was kind enough to allow me to sleep on the couch in his basement during this time. The ‘rock bottom’ feeling I had, regardless of sleeping in my Jeep which was pretty shitty, was when the mechanic told me he had fixed my Jeep, but I did not have enough money to afford to pay him…

I felt awful. My heart sank, and this feeling nearly was the straw that broke the camels back. Fortunately, over the coming weeks, I was able to save enough money to get my Jeep out of the shop, and back on the road.

I am extremely thankful for my friend Gary in his assistance during this time!

• First Memory •

I went through a stint where I actually was sleeping in my Jeep. It was definitely cold in the winter time. I wasn’t destitute, and I knew I would always make it, but this was a tough pill to swallow…

The Jeep that I was sleeping in, randomly broke down on me for some odd reason, which I still haven’t figured out til this day why. It just would not turn on… Anyway, my friend Gary was kind enough to allow me to sleep on the couch in his basement during this time. The ‘rock bottom’ feeling I had, regardless of sleeping in my Jeep which was pretty shitty, was when the mechanic told me he had fixed my Jeep, but I did not have enough money to afford to pay him…

I felt awful. My heart sank, and this feeling nearly was the straw that broke the camels back. Fortunately, over the coming weeks, I was able to save enough money to get my Jeep out of the shop, and back on the road.

I am extremely thankful for my friend Gary in his assistance during this time!

• Second Memory •

This is a photo of the last meal I had before I was completely at 0 in my bank account.

I was walking around the 7/11 looking for some things to buy as a snack, and picked up noodles, a can of beans, a muffin, and a coffee.

I felt pretty bad eating this garbage, but at the time, I was just happy to have some food to be fair. I know better than to get my meals at 7/11, but $ was tight.

I go to the clerk as to ring in my food so I can pay, and my card got declined for INS (insufficient funds). I thought to myself that “this must be a mistake, there is no way I do not have $5.00 to my name.” I tried the card again and it got denied a second time. I put away the muffin, and tried again. Denied. I then gave the coffee to the clerk, ran the card through and it worked. I sat outside on this picnic table and contemplated the reason why I’m alive as I ate my last meal…

• Second Memory •


This is a photo of the last meal I had before I was completely at 0 in my bank account.

I was walking around the 7/11 looking for some things to buy as a snack, and picked up noodles, a can of beans, a muffin, and a coffee.

I felt pretty bad eating this garbage, but at the time, I was just happy to have some food to be fair. I know better than to get my meals at 7/11, but $ was tight.

I go to the clerk as to ring in my food so I can pay, and my card got declined for INS (insufficient funds). I thought to myself that “this must be a mistake, there is no way I do not have $5.00 to my name.” I tried the card again and it got denied a second time. I put away the muffin, and tried again. Denied. I then gave the coffee to the clerk, ran the card through and it worked. I sat outside on this picnic table and contemplated the reason why I’m alive as I ate my last meal…

“it ain’t about how hard ya hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.”

Thankfully during this season in my life I did not crack, but remained strong.

One of the things that got me through these hardships was listening to motivational audios, specifically the “Rocky Speech.” If you do not know what it is, do a quick YouTube search, and you will know what I’m talking about.

All of these circumstances, events, situations etc… all shaped me to become the person I am today. I truly feel that God only gives his toughest challenges to his strongest soldiers. If you are from any sort of Faith background, I can relate this story to the one of Job. Now I am not saying my struggles are nearly as harsh as what he endured, but the premise stays the same…

You know when things in your life just keep going to shit, and then more shit gets added to the pile, and when you think there can’t be anymore shit, the shit then doubles – that is how I felt. If it’s not one thing, it’s another…

I was hit with REAL world problems that MANY people go through everyday, I am just thankful I made it out the other side, because many do not.

These experiences gave me a perspective that you cannot teach in a classroom, or even begin to learn through someone else. The only way is through experience.

I feel there is a huge power in being at the bottom, you just do not want to stay there very long.

entrepreneur at 23

Round 2. FIGHT!

entrepreneur at 23

Round 2. FIGHT!

During my time in the first company that I was apart of, I had met some pretty awesome people, who I am still friends with til this day! A select few of them reached out to me during my struggles, but I was still mentally not capable of starting a company again…

There was too much ‘noise’ around me and in my head to think about business. Finally, after months of being ‘dripped’ on, I dusted myself off, hopped on board for a second kick at the can, and decided that it was time for round 2 in the marketing / direct sales space.

(there are still a few yet who message me asking me to join their business opportunity, this many years later, after I have told them ‘no’ 100 times. They are obviously playing in the NFL)

I used the skills, assets, and network I had built prior to start fresh.


This time I was selling protein shakes, vitamins, and supplements! It was actually a product I could get behind because I am extremely active in the gym / fitness niche. Being an athlete my entire life allowed me to connect to the brand, and have a little more passion for what exactly I was selling.

I am extremely grateful I took this opportunity because it allowed me to meet a friend of mine, Kam George.

(I’ll touch base on the significance of this relationship shortly)

Anyway, things are starting to look up a little bit for me, and some successes start flowing my direction.

Here are a couple stills from what I was getting up to…

After all of the losses I was taking, a few wins were definitely in order. I was able to enjoy some fruits of my labour, and have some fun while doing it!

I had qualified for my own BMW that the company would pay for, as well my team was growing at a very fast rate.

We eventually would go on to sell over a million dollars of product in the year as a team.

I was very proud of this venture, and everything that was coming with it, but there was one problem…
Below are a few photos of me with my new BMW and the team in Miami living it up! Great memories.
I was very proud of this venture, and everything that was coming with it, but there was one problem…

i was still growing the business the ‘old’ way of doing things

i was still growing the business the ‘old’ way of doing things

This meant that I was still pissing off my friends, spending too much money at coffee shops, and every waking moment I was “selling” the business to someone…

The only difference between this and the last business, was that the product was in a multi-billion dollar niche already accepted by the masses. I mean ‘weight-loss’ products and services have been around since time; fad diets, crash diets, pill this, protein shake that… people already have seen it all and are used to these sort of things, so introducing another one to the market, does not cause much of a negative uproar.

Also, the corporate office of the company was a younger demographic, and used a sort of viral marketing method to obtain market share.

(these guys revolutionized the industry by doing this, it was very smart)

But, the end premise was still the same:

Show the plan!

Show the plan!!

Show the plan!!!

We were using a DVD at “House-Parties” where people would watch the presentation, (I no longer had to present), and then sample the product afterwards.

Here is the biggest problem with the network marketing niche, and what I soon realized the reasoning as to WHY it is such a difficult industry – even when you are seeing success!

I have personal 6 FIGURE A MONTH friends of mine, who will NEVER be able to ‘walk away’ because of this problem.

They are selling the dream, but that dream is IMPOSSIBLE because of what I am about to tell you…

Ready for it?

If you are involved in a traditional network marketing / direct sales company right now, please pay close attention here.



I put this in the biggest, boldest, most outrageous lettering as I could for a reason. To get your attention!

Look, this is what happens:

You are told to create a list of 30 names, get in contact with that list, and get them infront of a DVD / presentation / or presenter of somesort.

The very second you call that person to book that block of time for them to see a presentation, whether it be at a coffee shop, house party, or hotel boardroom – they INSTANTLY do not want to be doing what you’re doing. 

Here’s why…

There are polls out there, that have been created to show that public speaking and cold calling, rank above DEATH for fears people have.

Death… we are competing with death… let’s take a moment to wrap our brains around that concept.

people would rather die than to contact their list

Since this is a business model that relies on the power of people and sales, I do not care how good you are, it will not last if you are not constantly recruiting more people – due to the attrition of people quitting because the fear of calling their friends.

You may sign up a new independent representative on hype, but the very second they have to pick up the phone – they freeze. That fear will paralyze them, and they will quit.

And the reason someone says ‘no’ to you in the first place, after every closing method in the book has been thrown at them, is that subconscious realization that they do not want to be doing what you do. It takes a large amount of skill to close someone in sales, and the new prospect can pick up on that… It takes much refinement and many years of work to become a master salesman. Joe Blow buddy of yours, does not want to be doing that.

If you contacted someone who you have not talked to since grade school, and got them to a coffee shop to sit down with yourself and a stranger, (usually your upline), to show them a concept they already have a preconceived notion of being a scam – what makes you think they want to do the same?

Calling people from grade school SUCKS.

Who actually wants to do that?

Calling people from grade school SUCKS.

Who actually wants to do that?

You don’t enjoy when you’re calling them, so why should they? It took every ounce of courage in you to call that person you haven’t spoken to in 17 years, do you really think they have that same courage, and if they do, are they willing to use it for this?

And this is why my friends who are making multiple 6 figures a month will never stop having to recruit.

One specific group of friends of mine, took 1 month off of an active role in their business and their income got cut in half. Let that sink in. They are at the top of their company, and their income was divided by 2 because they wanted a well deserved vacation.

The more top earners I began hanging around, who told me the real secrets of the Network Marketing industry, the more I felt something was wrong…

(If you click right here, I actually have a great article about mistakes you’ve been making in the industry, give it a look after you finish here)

Look, making 6 figures a month is an amazing accomplishment, but if it is at the expense of doing things you do not want to be doing anymore, you aren’t free, you are actually going against the EXACT thing in which you are preaching – retirement in 3-5 years.

All you’ve done is taken your golden handcuffs of having a job, and switched them for a pair that is a little shinier.

The sooner I realized this, the sooner I knew that I needed a change.

In comes Kam George…


The power of the internet


The power of the internet

Pay very close attention to this part of the story. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT SECTION

Things are going really good!

The team is moving and grooving in a great direction, people are making some money, as well seeing results from the product, which has made me pretty happy!

…And then I meet a guy with the same name as me, turning everything I thought I knew upside down…

Kameron George has some radical opinions on the networking niche, and revolutionary concepts far ahead of his time!

He ended up joining the team a few months after myself, and things really started to take off for us!

We traveled around together, took a few trips to some dope spots, and kicked it at home!

Check us out…


Mind. Blown.

prepare yourself for your head to explode

If you’re standing up right now, I want you to sit down. If you’re sitting down, I want you to make sure you are safe when you fall out of your chair while reading what happens next…

Your head is about to pop, just as mine did.


If you are in the network marketing industry, this is where things get wild. I’m not a hype guy, or enjoy getting people riled up, but believe me when I say, your head is going to explode…

I know this story is long, but I am doing that on purpose so you can get the full effect of who I am, everything I’ve accomplished, and truly see for yourself what IS and IS NOT working in the industry.

Keep reading…

So Kam and myself started to connect on some familiar topics, we’d hang out alot and chat life and business – we took a couple trips together, and the more I picked his brain, the more I realized he was on to something BIG! Not many people understood what he was up to.

At the time, Kam came from an interesting background, one in which he primarily made his sales online; a foreign world to me.

Take this into consideration, his mentorship is some of the most renowned internet marketers in the game: 7 even 8 figure earners, he knows what he’s talking about.

Continue to pay close attention here, because this is where the rubber meets and the road, and everything starts to come together.

We’d have these talks about leveraging the power of the internet, to automate the entire sales process…

What does that mean exactly?

Especially what does that mean if you come from a traditional MLM / Network Marketing background… It means this!



You actually get kicked out of the NFL permanently, and are allowed back to attend Christmas dinners.


If you do not have the money to go to a seminar, no one is going to make you feel bad about it.


Now you can save your money for something more important, and not waste your time in Starbucks.


The list of 30 names is a thing of the past, and no longer exists. You do not have to tell a soul what you do.

hold on 1 moment
as i take the redpill


Hold on as everything I thought I knew disappears…

Now I’m convinced that Kam George is Morpheus

Now I’m convinced that Kam George is Morpheus

This guy did the whole “what if I told you…” scene from The Matrix, divulging information to me, basically allowing me to unplug!

Here’s the thing, this is the biggest game changing attitude / philosophy / practice EVER! Hands down, this is the way to go!

(what way is this you may ask, I will get to that shortly, all you need to know right now is that the internet is a powerful tool.)

I’ve been very successful in the MLM industry, by industry standards, which honestly aren’t that high, and for that reason alone what I am telling you right now is that there is a better way…

You can make money, without having to constantly call people and sit in coffee shops!

You never again need to sit in a presentation or ‘house-party’ and then awkwardly ask your friend, or a stranger, to join your team!

Look, I used to work 16 hours a day driving from Starbucks to Second Cup back to Starbucks and then to someone’s house. It is the most inefficient way to create an income…

(I spent 4,000$ at Second Cup alone in 2011)

And THEN, you expect someone else to do the same thing you’re doing?

You’re preaching FREEDOM, when you yourself are not free? You’re working countless hours giving God knows how much money to Howard Shultz, you are the poster boy for the NFL, and aren’t actually living life. I do not care how much money you make, but if you are working 16 hours a day, 7 days a week, with no real end in site… that is not living.

Once again, it is better than the alternative of having a full on job you hate, atleast in this scenario you are making money, and technically work for yourself.

The biggest thing that Kam George taught me during this time are two simple words:

live. life.

The absolute last thing we all want to be doing is working so hard, we do not have the time to enjoy the fruits of our labour.

All I was doing was working. Another coffee shop meeting, another conference call, another skype meeting, another seminar, another quarterly meeting, and then back to the coffee shop…

I don’t know about you, but that’s not the reason I entered the space in the first place. Do not get me wrong, I am no stranger to hardwork, but something was not adding up over time – the more and more I learned about the power of leveraging the internet and creating an automated sales process, and the more people I hung out who were doing the same thing, but who were actually enjoying their lives, made me question everything.

I decided it was time to change. 

I was hanging around top earners in traditional MLMs and they were miserable, why, because their dream turned into a job…

I started to hang around top online marketers, and they are jacked on life, why, because they truly do something once, monitor it’s progress and get on with their day.

Life is not about working all the time! There is no shame in making money while you sleep, that is the damn goal!

For some reason there is this stigma going around, that if you aren’t constantly grinding, constantly working, or constantly struggling, you are doing something wrong.


– Your Network Marketing opportunity, should not be a grind.

– Your job shout not be a grind.

– Your relationship with your spouse, should not be a grind.

– You don’t have to be ‘hustling’ 24/7.

Yes, all of these things take work, and there is no such thing as something for nothing. But killing ourselves to obtain our visions, isn’t the right approach either in this niche.

There is actually such thing as being an intelligent lazy person. 

I know the words lazy and intelligent are somewhat of an oxymoron together, but the smartest people on the planet, do the smallest amount of work. 

2 words for ya, automation and outsourcing.

Previously I said, ‘killing ourselves in this niche to obtain our visions is not necessary.‘I preface in ‘this niche,’ because in other areas of business, it may absolutely be necessary to sacrifice much for great reward.

Steve Jobs is an excellent example, he changed the world, but also paid the ultimate price.

Elon Musk is a modern day renaissance man, but he explicitly says that no one would want to be him – he cannot sleep at night.

But in this space, the networking space that is, we do not need to be doing that. We do not need to be killing ourselves.

The aforementioned guys are creating new industries / paving the way for technological advancements that we cannot begin to comprehend… I mean Elon owns a space agency, I’m pretty sure he’s got some stress you and I cannot relate to.   

I’ve been on both sides of the spectrum… Maybe you can relate.

Where you work work work work work and have no time, but money saved up.


You have all the time in the world, but no money to do anything.

Anyway, after Morpheus (Kam) redpilled me, I decided to start working with him online…

(I am going to show you what ‘working online’ looks like later on, or if you want to work with me, I’ll teach you)

Keep reading and see what happened.

what next?

The internet and traveling the globe

what next?

The internet and traveling the globe





watch this

seeing the world how I did was a wild ride!

The video from above kind of sums everything up – I saw the world.

I made some amazing friends along the way, from many walks of life, which I still keep in contact with to this day.

One of the biggest things I learned in this part of my story, is that we are all human beings, but just go about things a little bit

I call this ‘gaining perspective’

It is something that money cannot buy you. You cannot go into the store, look on the shelf, and purchase a bag of ‘perspective.’

Not being tied to a regular ‘job’ allowed me to go out there and gain that perspective, which I will take with me until I eventually move to the next life.

I am so happy, blessed and fortunate to be able to go do what I have done in such a short period of time. Most people don’t believe me when I tell them stories of things I’ve seen or done, or places I’ve lived because of my age… No possible way I could do all that by the age of like 25…

I do not want to go into full blown details of my travels, cause the stories could go on forever… Just know I had / have fun!

… and then I came home.

and then what?

traditional business

I opened a hotel and helped launch a restaurant

I opened a hotel and helped launch a restaurant

I know, random hey?

I am still weirded out by it to be completely honest…

This part of my life is a full-on book on its own, that should be entitled “How To Age 25 Years In 3.”

I shit you not, the hospitality industry, is the one industry that will get ya looking old FAST!

So, how did I go from working online and killing the game to hotels and restaurants?

If you read the story, earlier I spoke on how I was a bouncer at one point and even did some time bartending/serving in the industry – so I was around it and understood it. I also enjoy / enjoyed taking care of people. I actually really enjoy hosting people, to be more specific, and the feeling I gain from watching someone else have a great experience – to me it is something money cannot buy.

That way of thinking, which comes natural to me, accelerated me in the hospitality industry… So much so an old High School friend reached out to me and asked if I wanted to help open / launch a restaurant with him.

Oh, at this point I also was / is an investor in Lyfe Kitchen / Luvo(shameless plug – if you’re out and about shopping, give these brands a try)

These companies both align with my vision of providing quality food at good prices. (I sound like a salesman there, but they really are good)

Anyway, I helped open this restaurant in my hometown, a pizza joint called The Parlour. I actually worked the store with a broken leg for the first 3 months, because I came home and re-snapped my ankle while running outside, only a week after landing back in Canada!

That restaurant is my baby, and I am so very thankful for the opportunities that arose from it! 

I also found that people take me alot more seriously in the online space because of them physically seeing I am able to run a successful business, offline.

traditional business gave me more credibility / real world applications

traditional business gave me more credibility and real world applications.

Like I said, I could write an entire book on the subject of opening a restaurant. I am actually going to leave the details of the hotel out of this as well, simply because it is another story for another time all on its own. I am sure you can imagine the two businesses going on at the same time, would be a handful / have some interesting pieces attached to it…

Like maybe having a shooting at the hotel, or I possibly had a brothel operating out of it, or my first guest ever decided to use it as a methlab… it was wild.

I’ve never seen meth before, and let me tell you, it is quite an experience… hahaha

Anyway, I want to leave you with some value during this part of my story, so I will share with you my top 5 learning lessons of traditional business.

• What does not get measured does not get done.

• Never date an employee of yours. (and I mean NEVER)

• Treat everyone, and I mean everyone, with respect – you never know who you are interacting with.

• Work with the habit of doing more than paid for.

• Be prepared for things to be 10x harder / more expensive / longer than you anticipated.

Take these little pointers and run with them if you are working for yourself. They are concepts that will most definitely improve your business!

These can be applied to Network Marketing / Affiliate Marketing as well as traditional business. Although, for myself personally, I did not really use them until I started in the traditional world.

Now, this takes us to the last segment of my story, and consequently the end, or the beginning – just depends on how you look at it… 

where am i now?

what am i doing

where am i now?

what am i doing

I am currently taking everything day by day, and fully living in the moment to the best of my ability – when new opportunities arise, I take them and run!

When new opportunities arise, I take them and run!

It sure has been a wild adventure up until this point!

I want to thank-you for sticking with me this far in my journey… I really hope that you have absorbed some sort of value / take-away from reading all of this. One of my goals in life is to inspire others to go and achieve…

I really feel that we all can BE – DO – HAVE – anything we believe we can go out there and get!

(the keyword being ‘belief’)

So, what I am doing to go BE DO & HAVE at this point in my life? Currently I am working online, using the internet as a way to create automated sales.

(this is where money comes in 24/7 – 365)

As stated before in the ‘automation’ section of my story – I promised I would somewhat fill you in on what “working online” really means.

There are many moving parts to this whole thing, which I will spare you the details, instead give you a birds eye view of what’s going on…

(If you do ever want to work with me, I’d be more than glad to fill you in on the technical details of working online – right now is not the place – this story has got to come to an end soon, I feel I’ve been writing for days)

Essentially, I am promoting an offer that pays a great commission! That’s it. It is pretty straight forward. We call this, Affiliate Marketing.

(here is a blog post that will put it in more perspective for you – check it out)

I’ll drop a link at the bottom of this page that will take you to a video showcasing what exact offer I am promoting / with the team I am promoting it with.

It’ll be a video of some of my friends telling you their experiences / stories / and guide you through the process. All you have to do is press the button to take you there  – I highly encourage that you do.

I have great mentorship around me, and some of the brightest minds in the industry on my side.

What does this ‘working online’ thing allow me to do?

• It allows me to phase out of the hospitality industry! I have nothing against it, it is just an industry that will age you quickly if you are not careful…

• It allows me to travel at my leisure, and go experience the world in a different setting. You cannot buy ‘experience’ at the grocery store. You can only go out in the world and LIVE it, to truly GET it.

As I write this, I just reminded myself that I also have a Heli-Skiing tripped booked in a few weeks time… Should be one hell of an EXPERIENCE.

(see what I did there)

• The time freedom allows creative expression to be magnified – playing my guitar or writing music are 2 of my favorite past times.

(I am actually a recording artist with 2 albums and over 300 live shows under my belt)

That is a part of my life I tend to keep separate from the online brand, Cameron, but I thought you should know what I do for fun / what keeps me alive on the inside.

I feel if we do not do what we are pulled towards doing, we will die.

I know that for myself, if I am not able to be creative, I want to quit life – I know that sounds a little harsh, but it is true.

“as a creator you belong to the free, as an exchanger you are their slave and instrument.”

– Nietzsche

I do feel that it is time for me to wrap this entire life story of mine up!

I want to thank-you once again for taking the time to REALLY getting to know me. I do not share these stories with anyone, and it is pretty wild I have just written it all down for the world to see.

Once again, I hope you can pull some value from my personal story, as well, keep scrolling and click the link to see what I am working on.

‘ “If we are related,” said the immortal Emerson, “we shall meet.” In closing, may I borrow his thought, and say, “If we are related, we have, through these pages, met.” ‘

What are you waiting for?

see how we can work together.

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