We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
” We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. “
Everyday we have choices as to what to do with the time we have been blessed with on Gods Green Earth – to be honest, most of us make really terrible decisions with our lives. I do not say that to be rude, I am including myself in this grouping as well, but we sabatoge our own success in the name of comfort.
I was taught many years ago that everything we want in life, is outside of our comfort zone… The more I think about it, the more I realize the truth in that statement:
Why don’t we wake up earlier? Comfort.
Why do we eat shitty food? Comfort.
Why do we drink too much? Comfort.
Why do we watch crappy tv shows? Comfort.
and the list goes on…
Here is a tangible example, coming from the male perspective, of wanting something outside of your comfort zone, but not getting it…
We’ve all been here fellas, this is what happens, you see a really attractive female that you would like to have in your life, romantically, but for some odd reason you cannot muster the gumption to go up and speak with her.
What is holding you back from pursuing the courting process you may ask?
Comfort, (or lack there of), is what is stopping you – it is simply TOO uncomfortable to go and speak with her, let alone tell her how you feel.
So you back away, do not go after what you truly desire, in this case a love interest, sticking to what is comfortable; Your Xbox, Fortnite, and your parents basement.
Sigh, forever alone…
The point that I am trying to make is that we have to get a little uncomfortable, in order to grow, and if you are not used to being uncomfortable, this blog post will get you started on the right track!
Below I have compiled a list of the 3 Life Simple Life Hacks That Will Turn You Into A Beast – breaking down the walls of comfort and allowing you to advance your existence into a higher potentiality!
Use these with caution, they may seem extremely simply, but will drastically change your life OVER TIME. I call them “hacks” for a couple reasons:
1. I am a marketer, and ‘hack’ is a buzzword these days, so ayyyy you caught me.
2. They are actually hacks – smarter ways of doing things, with both physical and physiological data to back them up.
Let’s go through The 3 Life Simple Life Hacks That Will Turn You Into A Beast, shall we?
1. Make Your Bed
Alright, so this may sound extremely ridiculous, simple, and silly – but please just hear me out, there is some logic here.
I have a feeling I am speaking with mostly adults, and from that perspective you would THINK we all make our bed in the morning – but like I said at the beginning of this post, alot of us do things that sabotage our own success – one being that we do not make our beds.
So why do we want to make our beds?
1. It allows us to feel as though we have accomplished something, it is the first task to complete – that causes positive momentum for the rest of the day. Feelings of accomplishment go a long way and build upon eachother.
2. This is a serious question, if you cannot make your bed, how can you expect to have ANY sort of resemblance of success elsewhere in your life?
3. If ALL else fails, shit hits the fan completely during the day, at the very minimum, you have a nice comfortable bed to come home to and rest in.
There is a great video right here, that dives deeper into the subject I think you should check out!
2. Take Cold Showers.
This is my personal favorite of the 3 Simple Life Hacks, and I am most likely going to dive into this specific one even deeper, in the future, with a full blown case study on its own… There is actually alot to unpack here with this one.
I have been taking cold showers for well over 2 years now, and the value I have received from such a ‘life hack’ is truly incredible.
It sounds crazy, I mean, who doesn’t love a nice HOT cozy shower right in the morning – they are pretty comfortable, aren’t they?
That is the problem with hot showers, TOO comfortable – guys/gals we are TOO soft, and we have stopped being able to cope with life’s little inconveniences.
One of the biggest lessons cold showers will teach you is this:
Learn how to remain calm in situations that are less than ideal; managing stress and staying in control of your emotions.
There is a long list of other health benefits associated with cold showers, that I will go over on a post specifically dedicated to the practice.
So, how cold is cold? – as cold as you can make it – for around 3 minutes…
Try it tomorrow morning, and once you’e out of it – you will thank me.
You will curse me during,
and before you get in the water you will actually be scared.
but after it, you will thank me!
I am going to pose another question to you, “if you cannot manage a little cold water, how do you expect to manage anything of real significance in your life?”
If you want to dive a little deeper into cold showers, I put together a more detailed post of my experience with cold water therapy that you can check out by clicking right here!
3. Turn off your phone at night
The powers that be, The Zuck, has a team of extremely intelligent people surrounding him in his organization…
These extremely intelligent people have figured out that social media has become a drug to us consumers – on a chemical level – we receive dopamine hits everytime our phone dings with a new notification – they’ve taken this data and ran with it!
Dopamine is a chemical in our brain that makes us ‘feel good’ and that feeling is addicting.
Have you ever found yourself just scrolling for 3 hours in a row, looking at the clock wondering why its 4:30am and you feel depressed?
We’ve all been there, that’s because our brains are not getting dopamine hits anymore, and we are frantically searching for the next ‘feel good’ moment.
This is dangerous to do at night, for it disrupts our natural sleeping patterns – especially the blue light coming from our phones..
Instead, we can replace that habit with something much more productive to our minds – reading a booking, meditation, stretching, or journalling.
There you have it, not that difficult hey?
These small little tweaks in your daily routine, will kick you out of your comfort zone, and will make an impact on your overall ability to go after the things you truly want in life!
If you follow these 3 Life Simple Life Hacks That Will Turn You Into A Beast I can almost make a guarantee that you will become a better version of yourself.
Remember, Rome was not built in a day, and neither were these hacks. I only gave away 3 because sometimes we get caught up in information overload – you don’t need to fix EVERYTHING at once – but here is a great start!
If you need any motivation to perform these tasks, click right here, you won’t be let down.
Take it and run with it…