The Only Speech You’ll Ever Need To Motivate You To Action

The Author: Cameron
When You Have Been Beaten Up In Business, Sports, Or Even Life – You Can Refer Back To This Video For The Motivation To Crawl Out Of Hell...
Post Author: Cameron
Cameron Barke Marketing

The Author: Cameron

My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; to do so with some passion, compassion, humor and style. My goal is to light a fire under enough people to free them from the ‘limited potential’ constraints that have been set up in their own minds; a paradigm shift from scarcity and lack, towards love and abundance.
Post Categories: Motivation

The Inches We Need Are Everywhere Around Us

The Inches We Need Are Everywhere Around Us

(click here if video does not play)

This is The Only Speech You’ll Ever Need To Motivate You To Action!

I am sure by now you have probably heard this infamous speech from Al Pacino, in the 1999 Oliver Stone release of, “Any Given Sunday.”

As I sit here, and listen to this speech myself, I can recall the first time I heard it…. Sitting in the little corner office, of my dads work space, just recently after I had launched my first business. There I was intently listening to the prophetic words coming from the computer monitors.

I grew up in my life playing high level sports, and what was going through my mind during the first exposure to this speech: all the pre-game speeches I have also been apart of before the “big game.”

I can distinctly remember the goosebumps I had. (I am listening now, and the goosebumps are coming back).

The purpose to this blog post, is to give you a resource to draw upon, when you need that little extra push from the outside. When you have been beaten up in business, sports, or even life – you can refer back to this video to keep you going forward. (bookmark this page for direct access back to the video)

If you are in hell, you can stay there and get the shit kicked out of you, or you can crawl your way back to the light. Allow the message of this video, be the strength in your fingertips, to crawl out of the darkness.

When I was struggling in my first business venture, I would listen to this recording, and it played a large role in my many successes.

I am not here to critique the video, or break the recording down, or anything like that – I do not believe it is my place to do that.

All I am here to do, is give you a little bit of mindset and outside motivation.

Use this speech as a resource!

Take it and run with it…

Cameron Barke Marketing

The Author: Cameron

My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; to do so with some passion, compassion, humor and style. My goal is to light a fire under enough people to free them from the ‘limited potential’ constraints that have been set up in their own minds; a paradigm shift from scarcity and lack, towards love and abundance.

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I truly believe that if you work hard, dedicate yourself with all of your heart, passion, desire, and being; you can accomplish anything that you want.

The road may not be easy, but in my heart of hearts, I feel it is worth it.

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