“trade money for time, not time for money;
You’re going to run out of time first.”
“trade money for time, not time for money. You’re going to run out of time first.”
Alright, so I am coming at your from self-quarantine – it is April 2020 and the world has gone into a complete panic! Toilet paper is a seemingly more valuable asset than gold, it is now illegal to get a haircut, and drinking wine at 11:30am is now a widely acceptable thing to do – regardless of the day of the week.
Fuck it, I might crack a beer right now, I think I’m going to need it to write this post!
No one really knows what day it is, and to be honest, as I write this, I am not totally sure either… I believe it is Sunday, ah yes, it is Sunday because this is Easter Weekend. Crazy thing about Easter Weekend this year, is no one is going to be having any dinners together; Family gatherings have come to a crashing halt.
The world economy has tanked, and by world economy, I mean THE WORLDS ECONOMY: 25% of Canadians are unemployed, and 10% of Americans are right there as well – that alone leaves 10s of millions of people in the Western World without work – 10x worse than the recession of 2008 and mortgage bubble crisis.
The rest of the developed world does not fair much better, and I do not even want to go into what the hell is happening in 3rd world countries right now… But it is pretty grim.
Entire industries are shutting down completely, hospitality and guest services being the hardest hit. Aircraft globally have been grounded, and the travel tourism sector has been abolished.
Every major sporting event, sporting arena, and platform has been cancelled. The NBA / NFL / NHL / MLB / The Olympic Games / Concerts / Festivals / Events are all done – Except Dana White from The UFC, he is holding an event on a private island to be streamed through PPV. The guy is a genius, and will probably net many 10s of millions of dollars… just a FYI
New York is using Hart Island as a mass burial grave site, and the city that never sleeps, is finally going to bed…
States, Provinces, Cities, Towns, Municipalities are declaring states of emergencies seemingly every day!
Citizens are being told / forced to stay inside and governmental bodies are frantically trying to solve this problem…
I haven’t even said what has caused this yet, but if you DO NOT live under a rock, you will know that Covid-19 is responsible for what the events going on today.
Conspiracy theorists, flat earthers, and tinfoil hat wearers alike have taken over everyone’s Facebook feeds, like they were breed for this moment in time – I feel they have a sense of vindication, but also are like “oh shit, this isn’t good,” but at the same time are saying “hahah I told you so.”
I am not going to continue into TOO much more detail as to what is going on in the world right now…
You are living it!
I am living it!
WE are living it – we all know what is happening.
We are in a fight, and in my most humble estimation, the biggest issue that we will be facing as the fallout from a global pandemic, will be the economic strain on its individual citizens! If you are in a situation right now where you literally DO NOT have enough money to have your basic needs met, there is a GIANT glaring issue staring at you right in the face.
This should be a MASSIVE eye opener to you, that what you have been doing, up until this point, is not working!
I am going to come in here with a little bit of truth salad – don’t get mad at me.
But you have been reliant on someone else paying your bills for you, and have not developed the skills to take care of yourself FIRST. I know that may sound a little bit harsh, but it is in fact truth…
Even small / medium sized business owners are hooped – yes they may know how to create money for a business, but that does not necessarily mean they know how to create money for themselves individually…
A traditional business takes alot of working capital to operate – one of my first businesses I ran, the minimum amount of $ I had to create per week was 50,000$, just to break even… Yes, I could make money for the business, but for myself, not so much! So many small to medium size business owners are also at a loss!
They are doing everything in their power to look after themselves right now, if you are reading this, chances are you have been laid off or about to be laid off…
These are scary economic times here, for ALL OF US!
I was taught many years ago that there are 2 economies:
1. The outside economy.
2. Your own economy.
Unless you are the director of a major financial institution or the president of a the world bank – you cannot control the outside economy… The only economy you really have any control over, is what your personal one looks like!
This is both empowering and scary at the same time, but I implore you look at this with a mindset of abundance, not lack!
I hope that I have painted the picture clear enough to you, that you desperately NEED to do something different, YESTERDAY, about your current means of creating an income!
I am going to leave you with a quote, and then I will jump into all the reasons Why You Need To Start Trading Forex Yesterday.
I believe that we must continue to retain the wealth of spirit of our forefathers, for if we don’t, we shall find ourselves dominated in everything we do by a mighty few and shall become serfs in fact if not in name.
Before we start, you may actually be wondering to yourself, “what the heck is Forex?”
Do not worry, at the end of this post, I have a great resource I can email to you that will go over all the minutia and details of what Forex is…
All you have to do for now is stick around to the end, and know that Forex is a method of wealth creation that can compound very quickly.
is: Get you out of this messed up situation you are in…
Lets, GO!
1st reason to trade forex: look around you!
Okay, so the world is falling apart, and you have literally 0 money coming into your account. Maybe you have bills to pay, rent, mortgage, car payment, insurance, cell phone – groceries, utilities, water… The list goes on.
If you live in Canada, you have 2,000$ per month coming to you, but how long will that last, AND do you really want to be dependant on the governemnt for your income – this is NOT a long term solution…
If you are in the states, I believe Trump has 1,200$ coming to you… I could be wrong, but I think it something along those lines.
The reason why I named this post, “Why You Need To Start Trading Forex Yesterday,” is because you literally needed to start trading/creating an income for yourself, outside of your job and government, YESTERDAY!
Time is of the essence here, and there is a sense of urgency that I cannot disregard. What is going to happen if this pandemic continues for another 2, 3, 5, or even 8 months…
Justin Trudeau stated that until there is a vaccine, we are going to be like this for another 12-18 months you guys…
This leads me into my next point.
2nd reason to trade forex: you have all the time in the world!
99.9% of the planet right now is in some form of a lockdown…
It is either government implemented with heavy fines for breaking, or government suggested, with heavy fines being in groups of people 6 or larger…
In Canada, there are talks of us having to be forced to stay in our homes, or suffer severe penalties – I know for a fact there is a 1 million dollar fine and 3 year jail sentence coming down the pipeline for those who are mandated to stay home, but break the mandate.
Everyone else, we are hunkered down at home with nothing to do…
Drinking wine, cat memes, and pajama pants all day is going to get old quickly here guys. If we are not working on something to advance us, we are going to go crazy.
Now is the time to reflect, and really look at how you can come out of this AHEAD, and not in a worse place than when this all started!
Why not pick up a new skill, one where you can literally MAKE MONEY, and not only make it, but COMPOUND IT!
This then leads me into my next point, quite nicely…
3rd reason to trade forex: The power of compound interest!
This will be my 3rd and final reason as to Why You Should Start Trading Forex Yesterday, and I will leave a heavy emphasis on the word “yesterday.”
In grade school mathematics, I am sure we all learned about something called “compound interest,” but I think we learned it where we had to be on the PAYING end of the interest rate…
With Forex, we can be on the RECEIVING side of compounding! If you follow Warren Buffet at all, this is one of his keys to his success in the investment field.
The compounding effect is one of the most POWERFUL methodologies to build wealth for yourself…
**side note: you know what the bank does when you give them money to put into your savings account – they invest in forex, multiple the money using compound interest, and then give you a fraction of a percentage back on it…
Below here I have embedded a compounding calculator; this is no BS – no fluff, only black and white numbers of the possibilities of compounding your money using Forex.
How to use the calculator below:
1.Enter an amount you would start with as an investment – it can be as little as 100$
2. Use the slider to select a daily interest rate of return – yes that is DAILY; I personally do 3% a day on average!
3. Enter the number of days you will be investing for – where can you be financially in 4 months; 120 days.
4. See the numbers appear – they may look a little big, don’t be worried, the formula is there in black and white – this is the power of compounding interest my friends…
I was always taught, that in business, “numbers don’t lie – people do.” – Plug in the numbers, and let the dollar signs do that talking.
There you have it!
I could keep writing a much longer more exhaustive list, but in our current global circumstance; these are the TOP reasons Why You Need To Start Trading Forex Yesterday!
Okay, so now you know WHY you need to start trading and creating wealth on demand, but you actually may not even know WHAT Forex is…
That’s alright, at the beginning of this post I had said I have a resource for you to set you in the right direction, which I am going to share it with you right now.
I have written a ‘Playbook’ guiding you through all of the ins and outs of what Forex is, how it works, and how you can start adding money into your bank account in 24 hours!
It may seem like a scary task, but this Playbook will relax all doubts and, if you follow through with its instructions, grant you access to professional mentorship, guidance, and the correct tools for success!
I highly suggest you download the book, absorb what it says, and make a play…
A friend of mine, Ryan Blair once stated, that you have “nothing to lose, everything to gain.”
Download the book, and I’ll see you on the inside!