5 Reasons Content Marketing Is Here To Stay & How You Benefit

The Author: Cameron
Creating valuable content for our brands is no longer an option, it is a must if we want to stay competitive online...
Post Author: Cameron
Cameron Barke Marketing

The Author: Cameron

My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; to do so with some passion, compassion, humor and style. My goal is to light a fire under enough people to free them from the ‘limited potential’ constraints that have been set up in their own minds; a paradigm shift from scarcity and lack, towards love and abundance.

It’s not going anywhere, friends

It’s not going anywhere, friends

Let me paint a picture for you.

You have just created a website and you want some organic traffic to come your way to help build your brand.
Someone told you about blogging and content marketing, so you decide to jump into it full force. You pick up a spinwriter software and create some content.

This same person who told you about content marketing also put the birdy in your ear about keywords and backlinking. So you cram as many keywords into that spun article as you can possibly fit, and pay a company to spam the link to that content to 1000’s of sites all across the internet.

Well my friend, welcome to the early/mid 2000’s

Unfortunately, it’s not that easy anymore…

Google caught on to what everyone was doing, and put an end to that era real quick.

They figured out an algorithm for ranking readable quality content over unreadable garbage.
What does this mean for you and me moving forward?

Simply we must create engaging content for our audience.

Creating valuable content for our brands is no longer an option, it is a must if we want to stay competitive online.
We are going to take a look at 5 reasons why content marketing is here to stay, and how you can benefit.

Lets begin!

1.SEO Improvement.

SEO is all about building quality links, which is a natural process that will happen when you create relevant engaging content.

When rapport is built with your audience, you will attract links from other reputable sites and companies over time.

Search engine traffic is one of the largest forms of traffic out there, your content will not receive the recognition it deserves unless you have traffic driven to it.

2.Build Your Brand.

This one is pretty straight forward…

Once you start creating quality content, and step into your true potential, you will begin to have a brand worth talking about. Do not become discouraged, this takes time.

Quality content creation, with proper syndication will build your authority in your niche faster than any other strategy online.

3.Step Ahead Of The Pack.

I have personally come to the conclusion that people are lazy. You can capitalize on that laziness by never cutting corners in your marketing, that includes your content marketing strategy.

The majority of people will not take the extra time to really dive into a marketing strategy, let alone create one all together. This is what will separate you from the millions of other marketers out there today.

When you create quality content that is not article spun garbage, geared around information searchers are actually looking for – you create value – when you create value, you win.

Here’s a little Check Up From The Neck Up that will help you with is process.

4.Attract The Traffic.

One of the greatest strategies of traffic creation is guest posting.

When you create quality engaging content for others, you tap into their audience, subsequently having their following trickle into your site.

If you have low quality content on your site, those new visitors probably won’t stick around very long.

5. Advance The Buying Decision.

This quite possibly may be the most important of them all! You grease the wheels for your audience to make a purchasing decision, it all comes down to this.

When you create engaging content, by default you build trust. When that trust is built, people are far more likely to make a purchase from you.

When you have built up that much trust/rapport in the marketplace, what you will eventually have is a process where by when someone lands on one of your pages it is a no-brainer for them to purchase from you.

Take it and run with it…

Cameron Barke Marketing

The Author: Cameron

My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; to do so with some passion, compassion, humor and style. My goal is to light a fire under enough people to free them from the ‘limited potential’ constraints that have been set up in their own minds; a paradigm shift from scarcity and lack, towards love and abundance.

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I truly believe that if you work hard, dedicate yourself with all of your heart, passion, desire, and being; you can accomplish anything that you want.

The road may not be easy, but in my heart of hearts, I feel it is worth it.

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