6 Step Creation Process For Ridiculously Killer Content

The Author: Cameron
Just as professional athletes must evolve their game, we as marketers must evolve ours. If we don’t, we will soon see ourselves on the wayside…
Post Author: Cameron
Cameron Barke Marketing

The Author: Cameron

My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; to do so with some passion, compassion, humor and style. My goal is to light a fire under enough people to free them from the ‘limited potential’ constraints that have been set up in their own minds; a paradigm shift from scarcity and lack, towards love and abundance.

killer content slays the king and takes the throne!

killer content slays the king and takes the throne!

It’s the year 2023, yeah I know, I can’t believe it either… I still remember watching Micheal Jordan playing for the Bulls, and Gretzky leading the league…

Anyway, I am not here to talk about sports, (even though I would love to). The reason I mentioned it being 2023, is because in this era if you want to step ahead of the pack – you are going to want to have some killer content in your inbound marketing strategy.

Things have changed from 1990’s til now…

Similarly, the game of basketball and hockey changed as well from these 2 different eras.

(Look at Kobe Bryant, how many times has he evolved his game)

Just as professional athletes must evolve their game, we as marketers must evolve ours. If we don’t, we will soon see ourselves on the wayside…

I personally do not like being on the wayside, and it’s pretty safe to say that you do not like being there either, so for both of our benefits, I pieced together the 6 Step Creation Process For Ridiculously Killer Content.

I am not going to go into much detail as for the argument as to WHY you should be producing great content, I will let this little info-graphic do the explaining for me:

Let’s get right to it, I trust this will help you when building out content in the year 2023. These are a collection of ideas I use in my own marketing, and from Micheal Georgiou over at Business2Community. They have awesome ideas over there, go check out the value they provide!

6 Step Creation Process For Ridiculously Killer Content.


First things first, we gotta get some of those creative juices flowing… I personally go through a 3 step process when brainstorming, which goes as follows.

1. Prepare: Just make sure you have a pulse on the niche market you are in. Know what is happening with the major players of your industry. I do this by following email lists, being on webinars, and scrolling through blogs/forums.

2. Draft: I create, on paper, a draft of ideas I would like to share based on my findings of what is happening in the market place.

3. Finalize: Once there are enough ideas written down on paper, take 2-3 of them to run with. The rest can be saved for a later a date

2. Research.

Go back through all of the blog posts, info graphics, forums, videos etc… and make sure they are congruent and relevant to the information you are going to be presenting.

You will want to compartmentalize this information, and make it very easily accessible to your target audience.

3. Define a Content Format.

This is actually pretty simple. Do you want to create a video, an infographic, images, or a more text based blog post??

Simply define how you want to portray this information you have compiled.


You will want to start with a title. Short, sweet, eye-catching, and right to the point does the trick. The user must know that the content within the title, will actually bring them benefit.

Now, you are into the meat and potatoes of the actual content. Make sure you posture yourself with authority. You are the authority in that niche, remember the user is on YOUR page, not the other way around. Hold yourself with a little bit of gumption.

You are the expert.

Here you will take all the data you collected in the previous steps, and present it with authority.

“The reader must believe that the writer knows what he/she is talking about. A confident and assertive article backed by the writer’s strength of conviction, real world examples and data citations from reputed sources, is infused with credibility. This is the kind of write up readers trust, gain from and share with their friends and followers…. The whole idea is to make valid arguments in support of your opinion on suggestions made in your content.” – Micheal Georgiou

5. Test.

There are a few things you will want to go over to test your content;

Find someone you trust, who has a stake in your well-being, to overview the killer content.

Here are a few example questions you can ask them:

• Did the content add value?

• Was it readable?

• Did the content stay congruent?

• Was the content organized effectively?

• Did the content ‘flow?’

Simply ask questions that will get you closer to building out the most effective content possible.


This is also pretty simple. I personally create alot of music, and what I do is after I have completed a new song, I step away from the song for a day or so, and then come back to it with fresh ears.

You will want to do the same with your content. Once you have made the necessary changes after testing, take a day or so, and do not look at the post.

If you come back to it, and are overjoyed at how awesome it is, you’re good to go, and you have just created some KILLER content!

Take it and run with it!

Cameron Barke Marketing

The Author: Cameron

My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; to do so with some passion, compassion, humor and style. My goal is to light a fire under enough people to free them from the ‘limited potential’ constraints that have been set up in their own minds; a paradigm shift from scarcity and lack, towards love and abundance.

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I truly believe that if you work hard, dedicate yourself with all of your heart, passion, desire, and being; you can accomplish anything that you want.

The road may not be easy, but in my heart of hearts, I feel it is worth it.

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