SEO Checklist For Your Blog

The Author: Cameron
There are many elements that play a role in the overall ability for your website to rank within the all mighty eye of search engines...
Post Author: Cameron
Cameron Barke Marketing

The Author: Cameron

My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; to do so with some passion, compassion, humor and style. My goal is to light a fire under enough people to free them from the ‘limited potential’ constraints that have been set up in their own minds; a paradigm shift from scarcity and lack, towards love and abundance.



There are many elements that play a role in the overall ability for your website to rank within the all mighty eye of search engines.

(primarily Google – they have reach an omnipotent level).

Whether you are the seasoned marketer, driving and converting hundreds of thousands of leads – or you are just brand new fresh into the business of internet marketing – you will find this SEO Checklist For Your Blog extremely beneficial. If you are the latter, please bear with me with some of the technical jargon.

I will try my very best to explain it in an easy to digest format for all levels of readers.

What I am going to be covering is very standard for optimizing your webpages/blog for the purpose of driving more traffic to your offer via search engine results.

The concepts covered here, may seem like simple stuff (which it is), but I really want to take the time to emphasis its importance.

With the help of Altitude Marketing & BackLinko – I am going to bring to you an SEO checklist that you can follow along with for all of your optimization needs, but we will get to that in a second – I first want to cover why we are doing this….

Why Should I Optimize My Site?

It is imperative that websites appear on the first page of Google, especially the top three organic positions, and here is why:

Below are a few info graphics a study conducted by Optify concluded.

(CTR’s stand for Click Through Ratio – the effectiveness of a campaign by the number of users that clicked a link)


Now, these numbers are not true in every scenario, in every niche, in every industry. Remember, marketing is an ever-evolving giant, but 99% of the time, these numbers do hold true.

Regardless, it is extremely important to be holding the higher ranking Google positions, and I am going to show you how…

2 Important SEO Factors

1. – On Page Optimization – Optimizing and improving what is on the pages of your specific website for search purposes.

2. – Off Page Optimization – Optimizing and measuring events and circumstances that are happening beyond your website. ie: backlinking or social sharing Today we will be focusing on #1.

On Page Optimization: This is simply the content on your site, and the HTML behind your webpages that are the most accessible and controllable SEO elements. Also, a great starting point of the beginners.

Will Smith did an interview, and in the interview he was telling a story of how is dad asked him to build a wall. Will responded to his dad like, “how am I supposed to build a wall…?” His dad replied, brick by brick.

You do not build a wall all in one step, what you do is place one brick at a time – AS PERFECTLY AS YOU CAN PLACE ONE BRICK, and soon you have a wall.

With that being said, here is your goal: Make every page on your site search engine friendly.

(lay those bricks down perfect)

I have this beautiful info graphic, courtesy of Brian Dean, that covers the basics of your SEO Checklist For Your Blog.

Follow these brick laying techniques, and you will be well on your way to creating long lasting organic traffic to your website/blog.


Following the above SEO Checklist For Your Blog, will result in a well optimized page for search rankings.

These are also the building blocks to other organic search efforts.

I want you to be aware that these are not the be all end all for on page optimization, just a very solid foundation. Google looks at almost 200 other factors when ranking a page, but do not be alarmed, we’ve nailed some of the core on page optimization strategies here.

I wish you all the best in gathering traffic, and becoming an authority in your niche!

If you found this helpful to your cause, give it a share.

Take it and run with it…

Cameron Barke Marketing

The Author: Cameron

My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; to do so with some passion, compassion, humor and style. My goal is to light a fire under enough people to free them from the ‘limited potential’ constraints that have been set up in their own minds; a paradigm shift from scarcity and lack, towards love and abundance.

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I truly believe that if you work hard, dedicate yourself with all of your heart, passion, desire, and being; you can accomplish anything that you want.

The road may not be easy, but in my heart of hearts, I feel it is worth it.

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